The highly anticipated film Kuttram Kadithal is finally hitting the theatres on the 24th of September. When Bramma.G, the director was contacted by our correspondent, these were his responses.
After all the delay, the film is finally releasing. How do you feel?
I did the movie so that people get to watch it, and not have it in my showcase rack. Now the feeling is immensely satisfying. We've been waiting for a really long time for this. I wouldn't call it a delay though. Certain circumstances created such spaces for an ideal release now.
With all the awards, how is the theatrical release coming by?
24th seems to be a nice time to bring it to the audience. Awards don’t excite me. I’m eagerly waiting for the public response to know the actual result. I have completely trusted the youth and have made a film that'll give them something to take home.
On the evidence of the intriguing trailer, are you going to make us cry?
That will not be the basic intention of the film. There is a fine difference between crying and being moved or feeling emotional about something. This story might be hard-hitting, but it’s high time we pay attention to it. As a team, we have made a genuine effort. Support us with all your love.
We wish the team all the very best for its run at the box-office and of course for more accolades to come by.
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